Tower Hill Tutoring Centre
905-737-0988 Richmond HIll, ON2019 Student Achievements for our Tower Hill Academy

We are extremely excited to share the 2019 achievements and accomplishments of our Tower Hill students.
Throughout the year, the Academy will continually be updating this post to share any new student awards and achievements.
We are super happy and proud when our students succeed. Sebastian has shown some incredible improvement in Math and we can’t resist sharing our student’s success story!
Not so long ago Sebastian was failing his Grade 9 Mathematics. After one month of tutoring in our program, he went from getting 47% in math to getting 63% on his last test. He showed wonderful improvement and received a Math Award recently from his High School.
Congratulations to Sebastian Fehrenbach on getting a Richmond Hill High School Math Award!

Congratulations, Sebastian – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!