Tower Hill Tutoring Centre
905-737-0988 Richmond Hill, ON2017 Student Achievements & Accomplishments for our Tower Hill Academy

Throughout the year, the Academy will continually be updating this post to share any new student awards and achievements.
Students of the Month
We would like to celebrate Lillian Zhang, our Student of the Month, hailing from our Tower Hill, Richmond Hill location.
In the words of her Academy tutor, Savroop Mann:
“Lillian Zhang is an extremely dedicated and bright student. She always goes the extra mile and completes her assigned work to perfection. She is a motivated self-starter, and her pleasant disposition always brightens my day. Additionally, Lillian’s writing is to be celebrated, for it is eloquent, expressive, gripping, and well beyond her years.”
Honourable Mention
Daniel Radu – once again from our Tower Hill, Richmond Hill location!
Congratulations, Daniel! Keep up the impressive work!