Markham Crossing Tutoring Centre
905-305-5821 Markham, ON2020 Student Achievements & Accomplishments for our Markham Crossing Academy

Throughout the year, the Academy will continually be updating this post to share any new student awards and achievements.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Muhammad – Grade 10.
The Director, Luther, from Markham Crossing, commented as follows:
“Grade 10 is much more difficult than G9 and Muhammad has excelled. Before he started in G9, his mark was 63%. Now in G10 it s 87%.
Here’s what his family says: “Hashim has improved significantly in Mathematics. His confidence in Maths has increased and can now solve complex Maths problems.“
Congratulations, Muhammad – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Angelina – Grade 7 & Kingsley – Grade 3.
The Director, Luther, from Markham Crossing, commented as follows:
“Angelina and Kingsley are Star siblings here at the Academy and with teachers at school. Every student is different, and both overcame challenges.
Now teachers at school remark at their great motivation and improvements!“
Congratulations, Angelina & Kingsley – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Zoe – Grade 12.
The Director, Luther, from Markham Crossing, commented as follows:
“Zoe is an amazing achiever in the
most challenging IB program!
Before she started at the ACADEMY she was overwhelmed with a 28% average. Her last major assignment was 100% in IB!!
Zoe says, “I am very happy with my improvement and I am even more motivated to continue studying and progressing in the course. At first, I thought that Chemistry just wasn’t for me, but now I know that with hard work I can do anything I set my mind to. I’m looking forward to my next assignment so I can keep practicising and continue to bring my average up. (already close to 80’s)“
Congratulations, Zoe – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to A – Grade 11.
The Director, Luther, from Markham Crossing, commented as follows:
“A” is a star Athlete. She was struggling and discouraged 2 months ago. But has improved her average more than 20% applying focus and our expert coaching to excel in School & Sport! “
Congratulations, A – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Kiana – Grade 11.
The Director, Luther, from Markham Crossing, commented as follows:
“Kiana has pulled a 55% average up almost 30% in only 2 months with us. Her last Test was 98%.
G11M results are critical for University with understanding and results required for G12M and early Admissions. Kiana is now looking forward to a bright Future!“
Congratulations, Kiana – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Daniel – Grade 7.
The Director, Luther, from Markham Crossing, commented as follows:
“Great Work Daniel – 96%!
Daniel is always a dedicated individual and it shows! All the MITCHELL’s have enjoyed the ACADEMY over the years investing in Education enrichment!
Daniel is a 2nd Time Award Winner!“
Congratulations, Daniel – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Grace – Grade 6.
The Director, Luther, from Markham Crossing, commented as follows:
“Grace was a Student of the Month for English and even won a School Award!
Grace is great at Math too and getting results at 100%“
Congratulations, Grace – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Claire – Grade 3.
The Director, Luther, from Markham Crossing, commented as follows:
“Claire has earned October student of the month. She joined our academy just a few short months ago and has grown in so many ways. Claire has made great improvements in math.
Fantastic job, Claire! Keep shining bright!”
Congratulations, Claire– from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Serena – Grade 9.
WOW, Serena! What a solid transition to High School (even
after the COVID shutdown in March)!
Congrats on transitioning to a
new School and excellent results – 96% last Unit Test. Serena began with 85% in September and by October was getting 90’s with an average now at 95%!! Her sister started at the
ACADEMY years ago and is a solid 95%+ student now in G12.
Her mom says: “The Academy has been instrumental in supporting my daughter’s understanding about math concepts taught at school. This has helped her apply her learnings and has resulted in an increase in confidence and overall grade in math. I appreciate Luther’s collaborative style and genuine interest in my child’s learning & progress. Thank you!”
Congratulations, Serena – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Jeannette – Grade 3, Juliana – G2 & Albert – SK.
What a happy family! Jeannette with ’90s & ‘100s, Juliana with 85%+, and Albert can now sit still reading and learning!!
Children are a family’s finest investment. With strikes, inadequate personalized attention, and teaching budgets at school, our families decide to provide the best access to learning for their kids!
So happy to see these smiles and young hands with solid Math and English foundations to enjoy and excel in school and Life! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Congratulations, Jeannette, Juliana & Albert – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Alanna, Grade 9.
TOP STUDENT Alanna earned phenomenal results with our TOP TUTORS and TOP SYSTEM going from a failing grade when she started at the end of Term to a 90% G9 Final Exam and finishing with an 85% average (up from 48%)!!
Making the best use of curriculum-aligned materials to improve understanding week by week; getting answers to ALL her school questions; and using our Exam Prep pkg for mock test practice helped Alanna turn around her 1St Semester for a fantastic future and High School experience!!
Bravo Alanna!!
Congratulations, Alanna – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Siara, Grade 8.
Siara has seen great results starting in the Summer to overcome math phobia and weak Math Fundamentals from lack of teaching at school and 60% results. With consistent practice and coaching from our system and Tutors, Siara is now consistently scoring high 95%+ and 100% in school tests for the last few months.
We’re so proud of Siara’s newfound Math Power! It’s especially strategic that she has solid foundations for a successful transition to High School, so the family wants to continue during the Summer to Jump-Start the G9 Transition!
Congratulations, Siara – from the entire Academy family! Keep up the impressive work!!