Weston Marketplace Tutoring Centre
905-553-7788 Vaughan, ON2022 Student Achievements for our Weston Marketplace Academy

We are extremely excited to share the 2022 student success stories and accomplishments from our Weston Marketplace Academy.
The Academy rewards any student who goes above and beyond by bestowing on them various awards – one of which is our Student of the Month Award.
Throughout the year, the Academy will continually be updating this post to share any new student awards and achievements.
November 2022
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Atlai — our Student of the Month for November 2022!
Atlai has shown tremendous improvement in his reading after joining our Super Readers program. He can now read stories at a great pace and flow on his own. In addition, Atlai is always punctual, attentive and well mannered.
Congratulations, Atlai from the entire Academy! We celebrate your achievement!

October 2022
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Chris — our Student of the Month for October 2022!
Although Chris struggled initially, his math skills have improved dramatically since joining the Academy. He now has an excellent grasp of long division! Well done, Chris! Keep it up!
Congratulations, Chris from the entire Academy! Well done and continue to work hard!

Student of the Month
Congratulations to Kemi — our Student of the Month for October 2022!
Kemi’s focus, effort, and productivity have soared since starting at the Academy! Outstanding work!
The Academy family is so proud of you, Kemi!! Well done!

September 2022
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Ayedah — our Student of the Month for September 2022!
Ayedah who has been working exceptionally well and making significant progress. ever since she has joined the Academy. We love to see her smiles and energy!
Congratulations, Ayedah from the entire Academy! We celebrate your achievement!

Student of the Month
Congratulations to Alhaji — our Student of the Month for September 2022!
Congratulations to Alhaji for his unparalleled work rate and productivity. He has been working at an amazing pace and making great strides!
The Academy family is so proud of you, Alhaji!! Well done!

June 2022
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Sienna — our Student of the Month for June 2022!
Sienna continues her amazing run! Since joining the Academy, she has been scoring 100% or high 90s at school on a consistent basis. We are very proud of her effort and outstanding achievement.
Congratulations, Sienna from the entire Academy! And if we were counting, isn’t this the second time you are Weston Marketplace’s Student of the Month this year? Well done!

May 2022
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Ayesha — our Student of the Month for May 2022!
We would like to congratulate Ayesha on her consistent effort and dedication to the math program. She even works on the Academy materials before her schoolwork!
Congratulations, Ayesha from the entire Academy! We celebrate your achievement!

Student of the Month
Congratulations to Veer — our Student of the Month for May 2022!
Veer has been attending our Super Readers II program. Congratulations Veer on your consistent effort and steady progress working on pencilled letter skills. Kudos to you for your clear, beautiful and fluent handwriting!
The Academy family is so proud of you, Veer!! Well done!

April 2022
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Jaiden — our Student of the Month for April 2022!
Jaiden has demonstrated consistent effort and dedication in and out of class by completing his exercises at a high level. Jaiden’s effort and excellence have really paid dividends particularly in his creative writing skills!
Congratulations, Jaiden from the entire Academy! Keep progressing!

Student of the Month
Congratulations to Dheeraj — our Student of the Month for April 2022!
We would like to congratulate Dheeraj for the admission to the (Grade 6) IBT program in the upcoming September. Since joining the Academy, Dheeraj has solidified the foundations in Math and English. We are delighted that the diligent preparation for his entry assessment has finally materialized.
The Academy family is so proud of you, Dheeraj!! Well done and continue to work hard!

March 2022
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Olivia — our Student of the Month for March 2022!
Right out of the gate, Olivia (from Grade 4) has consistently demonstrated high levels of responsibility and enthusiasm towards her online learning. This is evidenced in her thorough homework completion, active engagement during class, and initiative towards furthering her academic progress. Olivia’s learning activities are completed with accuracy and care, demonstrating her excellent motivation and time management skills.
Congratulations, Olivia from the entire Academy! Amazing job! Keep it up!

Student of the Month
Congratulations to Ella — our Student of the Month for March 2022!
Ella has been awarded student of the month for her positive attitude and consistent strong efforts! She always walks into the centre with a smile on her face and is ready to complete her work. Every class she puts in 100% effort!
The Academy family is so proud of you, Ella!! Keep smiling and continue to work hard. Well done!

February 2022
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Ethan — our Student of the Month for February 2022!
Ethan has been working on the Math Mentors at a steady pace. At only Grade 2, he has already learnt and mastered long division. We would like to congratulate him for his dedication and positive learning attitude.
Congratulations again, Ethan from the entire Academy family! We look forward to seeing your name again with a new success story.

Student of the Month
Congratulations to Elsa — our Student of the Month for February 2022!
Elsa was presented with this award because of her tremendous effort and amazing improvement in terms of her printing, letters and the completion of all of her homework. Elsa was super excited and pleased to learn that she had received the award.
Congratulations Elsa from the entire Academy! We are so glad to see our Super Readers 1 graduate on the Student of the Month announcement.

January 2022
Student of the Month
Congratulations to Sienna — our Student of the Month for January 2022!
Since Sienna joined the Academy, her math has improved dramatically. When she first joined, her tests were in the 60s. Now she is scoring in the 90s regularly and she scored 100% four times in a row recently — absolutely amazing!
The entire Academy is proud of you, Sienna!! Amazing work! Keep it up!