Richmond Hill Tutoring Centres
Quickly & Dramatically
Improve Grades & Confidence
Call Or Email Today For A FREE Skill Level
Evaluation ($150 Value) & Consultation
Our 3 Richmond Hill Academy tutoring centres provide world-class tutoring and enrichment programs for students from preschool to Grade 12 and beyond!
For over 31 years we’ve helped thousands of Canadian students, coast to coast, improve their grades and self confidence.
On average our students improve 1-2 ‘grade levels’ in subject mastery in 6 months. (E.g. A Grade 6 math student could be performing at a Grade 8 level in 6 months.)
Your child will experience quick and dramatic improvement!

- Mathematics (Grade K-12)
- English (Grade 1-8)
- Chemistry & Physics (Grade 11 & 12)
- Lil’ Math Whiz Program (Pre-K+)
- Super Readers Program (Ages 4+)
We cover the full spectrum of student needs. Whether looking to leap ahead, catch up, or keep pace, we’ll build a custom tailored program to accomplish your goals.
First we benchmark your student’s current Skill Level – this identifies current strengths and ‘learning gaps’. Then, using our powerful curriculum, we build a custom tailored plan to fill in those gaps and accelerate future learning.
We have this down to a science. Our approach is systematic and unerring.
The first step is a Free Skill Level Evaluation ($150 Value) to find out where your student currently stands.