Why choose an education franchise?
Why choose an education franchise? And what do we look for in a candidate? They are deeply intertwined.
Maybe you can relate, since your search has brought you here.
When we meet education franchise candidates face-to-face, we find that they want something more profound and more impactful than money gained through the sale of arbitrary widgets in the marketplace – whatever form those widgets might take: donuts, coffee, tires, fast service meals. They want a franchise opportunity with heart!
Often the candidates who approach us have been working in other industries where a chronic, recurring lack of fulfillment combined with long, untenable hours have eventually led them to a re-evaluation of their priorities in life – a kind of existential pause-and-think moment.
After all, what good are long hours at the office, working for someone else’s ROI, when the intrinsic pursuit you’re so invested in has no greater meaning, yet comes with the heavy price tag of lost family time and a corroded quality of life?
Alternatively, some candidates approach us who have already been engaged in a non-ownership/equity based role in a helping profession, perhaps even as former or current teachers in the public system. Often this breed of franchise candidate already knows the unmatched fulfillment of helping kids succeed, but now wants to pair that satisfaction with a work schedule and work/life balance where they are in control of their own destinies and are rewarded not on an arbitrary pay scale but actually commensurate with their efforts and where they can finally be in control of their destiny, unfettered by the shackles (and vicissitudes) of a life governed by bureaucracy.
Whatever the original impetus behind a candidate’s interest in our education franchise opportunity in Canada, in the end what our successful candidates are seeking is a business opportunity that offers them a marriage of money and meaning. They seek profound emotional rewards – the kind that come from helping children thrive, what we call a high ERI – emotional return on investment – AND they seek financial stability and success i.e. conventional ROI.
This is the unique underlying appeal of an education franchise in general and in particular the Academy’s franchise opportunity, a proven and time tested franchise concept with a track record of 31 years of success in the Canadian marketplace, as tens of thousands of students across the country who have been the beneficiary of better grades and confidence can attest.
What drives us in this business is elevating students – helping them rise up, to realize their full potential. We want partners equally as passionate about this aspect of running an Academy franchise. And, we want candidates with the drive and commitment to excellence and success that will make their Academy a runaway financial success as well!
And, we will be there every step of the way to guide successful candidates to success in both areas – pedagogy and profitability.
If you feel inspired by the prospect of making the world a better place, one student at a time, you are the kind of candidate we want to speak to.
Take the next step: Learn more about education franchise opportunities.