now offering

World-Class Tutoring Delivered Anywhere!!
At the Academy, we specialize in the following subject areas:
The Academy specializes in Math tutoring. We have honed and perfected our product over the last
years. Our math evaluation determines your child’s grade equivalent, so that we can design a “custom-tailored” program.
Our English product focuses on the fundamentals of grammar, spelling, vocabulary, writing, reading and comprehension. By taking our English evaluation, we can design a program to address the needs of your child.
Chemistry & Physics
For our Chemistry & Physics tutoring, we design a program based on your child’s textbook and course outline. Our tutors are there to help your child master the material.
Super Readers Program
Super Readers is an early reading program to teach young children (ages 4+) how to read. This program was proven to be the most effective method of teaching reading ever!
Lil' Math Whiz Program
Lil’ Math Whiz is an early math instructional program to teach young children (Pre-K+) the basics of mathematics. It was proven to be the most effective way of teaching early math skills to young students.
For over
years, the Academy for Mathematics & English has helped tens of thousands of Canadian students, coast to coast, improve their grades and self confidence.
Don’t take our word for it, here are a few testimonials.
The Academy did not only develop me academically, but also engrained the idea to consistently strive for excellence. My time here will always give me the strength and courage I need to pursue higher level academics. This program truly works and it’s unbelievable. (Video Testimonial )
I was accepted into Harvard University mainly because of the Academy and its tutors. They gave me this opportunity with their personable tutoring approach and wide-based knowledge in mathematics and sciences. With the Academy’s help, I was able to maintain a 90% average.